Tuesday, January 1, 2019


It's the first night of 2019 and one of my resolutions in relation to better self care is to get back on the blog. I love blogging - having our pregnancy documented week by week is special. It allows me remember things that I'd otherwise forget and honestly, I am a better, more intentional person when I sit down with myself and see what's going on in my heart and mind.

The new year showed up at the perfect time for me. I'm ready to take all I learned in 2018 and walk into the new year determined, hopeful and thankful.  I'm not sure what it is about a new year opposed to a new day that gives this kind of fresh outlook and idea of a new start. Whatever it is though, I'm thankful for it. This year will be better than last. I will be kinder, healthier, spend more time doing things that fill my soul and with people that build me up. I will forgive myself and others more easily and spend my energy trying to do my part to make the world a bit better in a more intentional way. And I'll blog about it to keep myself accountable!

I'm going to keep this short. I have a desire to try and recap everything that has happened since my last blog post. Quick summary: Some of it was great. Some of it was hard. There was a job change, vocal cord paralysis, home projects, being obsessed with all the new things Jette learned to say or do, there was a lot of listening and learning and growing and a lot of forgiving, there was a lot of saying "STOP THROWING YOUR FOOD!" as calmly as possible.

2018 was wonderful and inspiring in a lot of ways. This year a spotlight shined light on some of the beautiful things in the world, in my family and in myself. 2018 was also hard and heartbreaking in a lot of ways - because of the same spotlight. I'm glad I got to experience it all.

And now it's 2019. Here we go. And here's my 2019 motto!

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