I wrote the following post months ago but we weren't ready to share mostly because we wanted to make sure were certain AND we didn't want to hear opinions about it. Our due date is getting closer and we are finally ready to share Poppy's name... but you better promise to keep opinions to yourself unless you (and least pretend to) love it as much as we do. :)
As our wedding date got closer and even after it passed Erin and I considered combining our last names and creating our very own McKelson last name. At first thought it seemed fun and special. At second thought neither of us connected with it. We scrapped the idea and decided to keep our own separate last names and since that decision we have had several conversations about when we fell in love with each other – I fell in love with Erin McKinnon and she fell in love with Chelsea Nelson and part of our wedding vows were to help support each other maintain our individuality.
As our wedding date got closer and even after it passed Erin and I considered combining our last names and creating our very own McKelson last name. At first thought it seemed fun and special. At second thought neither of us connected with it. We scrapped the idea and decided to keep our own separate last names and since that decision we have had several conversations about when we fell in love with each other – I fell in love with Erin McKinnon and she fell in love with Chelsea Nelson and part of our wedding vows were to help support each other maintain our individuality.
It was interesting to have those conversations - conversations about our names - because I’d
never had them before. I’ve never put much thought into what my name means to
me and turns out, it means a lot! Those conversations helped created a nice
framework for our thinking about baby’s name.
Drum roll please…………………
Jette Alice Nelson
I’ll probably always call her Poppy but baby girl’s legal
name will be Jette (pronounced jet) Alice Nelson.
Picking her name felt like the first big parenting decision.
I’ve already lost several hours of sleep over the last few months imaging her
in different scenarios throughout her life with that name. We wanted to pick a
name that sounded strong and bold and brave but then we wondered if that was
already putting too much pressure on our unborn baby – I guess we will have to do
our best to be intentional about not doing that. Erin first mentioned Jette as a possibility a few months into the pregnancy and hearing it was as close of a thing to love at first sight I've ever had. I heard it and I was in love!
Plus, my mom calls my sister Jessica ‘Jetty’ so when Erin first mentioned Jette my reaction was, “I will call her
Jetty after Jess!” so my love for the name Jette is partially because
of Jess - if Jette is anything like her auntie I’d be thrilled!
Alice is Erin’s middle name and I’m basically obsessed with
the idea of my girls sharing a middle name! I could die. Seriously.
Jette will be a Nelson as per Erin’s request. It feels important to highlight that it’s due
to Erin’s request because I want to broadcast my wife’s thoughtfulness and
selflessness. First, I should say that I don’t fully understand why women
generally take their husbands name without much of a conversation. It seems like its just expected and it has roots of oppression. And when babies are born, even if the
parents don’t share a last name, it is way more common for the baby to take the
fathers name. I don’t get it (and I am quite possibly reading too much into
it). Regardless, in our situation, there was no expectation or societal norm to
follow. So it completely surprised me when just a few weeks after we learned we
were pregnant, and before we decided her first and middle name, Erin told me that it was important to her that our baby was a
Nelson. She wanted baby and me to have that connection. She explained how she
wanted to share the biological connection as much as she possibly could and
having Jette share my last name might help. I was completely overcome by the
gesture of love and kindness – and continue to be. Erin’s thoughtfulness and
awareness continues to humble me.
So consider this a name announcement - Our baby girl, our
Poppy, will be known as Jette Alice Nelson and we are so eager to meet her!
Any day now!