Saturday, February 24, 2018

10 Months

Jette is 10 months old.

Jette is 10 months old.

Where has the time gone?

She is crawling, standing, waving - waving to whoever will give her attention, she reaches for people (I die every time she reaches for me), she eats everything we eat, her little personality comes out more and more and her giggles are the best! Being her mom brings me so much joy and happiness.

Saying a lot has happened since the last blog post is an understatement. Our little family has gone through a lot - good and hard and bitter and sweet. Erin and I have concluded that there has been a tremendous amount of change in the last year and even though all the change, or most of it, has been good we haven't handled it great - collectively or individually  (I think Erin has handled it like a champ. She says she hasn't though which is why I'm saying 'we' and 'individually'). Through it all though we love each other, we are obsessed with our kid, we are heathy, we work hard, we're making plans for our future and we're making time for fun. 

We went to Thailand for a couple weeks. We left Feb 3 and returned on the 18th. It was special. It feels incredible that we were able to take 2 weeks off life and go to a such a magical place. Most of the Thai people that we talked to had never left the country. We felt thankful for our privilege - for our jobs, for vacation time, for good healthcare (incase we ate something that didn't agree with us) and for good health that allowed us to be there and do the things we're able to do. Experiencing the people, the beauty, the simplicity - at least on the island we visited - was such a gift. Jette was a major hit. People loved holding her, taking pictures of and with her and trying to get her to wave at them. Jette loved the attention, she loved the food - she demanded to eat everything we ate and seemed to eat adult sized servings, she started to crawl on her knees (instead of army crawling) and she loved being in the water. Traveling with a baby has it's challenges no doubt but I'm glad we did it. It would've been hard to be away from her that long and her being there provided a lot of laughs and opportunities for Erin and I to work together. 

J did great on the long flights. Red eye flights seem to be key for long flights. She slept most of the way. We took a few midday in-country flights that were between 1 and 2 hours and those flights seemed to be much harder for the babe than the long ones. Baby girl wants to be mobile!

While we were in Thailand we talked a lot about life since Jette's arrival. We talked about all the change that's occurred and the times we wish we would've done things differently. We talked about our house and projects we want to do. The night we got home we immediately started to rearrange 2 of the rooms as we discussed while being away. We talked about supporting each other in different ways and how it's important to communicate even when we're tired. We've been home less than 1 week and it already feels different in our home. I love that vacation can do that. More vacation. :) 

This is a poor recap of the last two months. To sum it up I feel more connected, in love and curious about Jette. I am incredibly thankful for Erin - and that is the understatement of the year. She is the most kind and understanding person I know AND she's such a good mom to our baby. I am learning more about myself and working to become a better version of me. I am putting time and attention on my spiritual self and that feels good. 

I'm sitting here still finding it hard to believe that Jette is 10 months old. Where did the time go?!

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