Monday, June 11, 2018

13 months

Jette is 13.5 months. She runs, dances, seems to love finding little places to sit (a stepstool, pillow, the curb or a step) and claps after she sits. It's really cute to watch her. She carefully backs up (oh yeah, she's learned how to walk backward), puts her little booty against what she's going to sit on and then plops down. She is trying to jump, she puts nearly everything up to her ear and pretends to talk on whatever the item is, she gives hugs, she says dog, nana (for grandma and banana), ball, shoe, mama, papa and pu instead of up. She understands a lot. We can tell her to get a book and her shoes and she walks straight to the bathroom when we ask if she wants to take a bath. She knows where her nose is along with her belly button and toes. She does downward dog when we say 'yoga baby' and she sometimes gives hugs and kisses when we ask.

She is developing strong opinions. She knows what she likes and she knows what she doesn't like - and she isn't afraid to let us know. She rather be outside than inside and it seems she rather eat dirt than a lot of actual food. She is becoming more picky of an eater but we're committed to continue giving her all sorts of foods -even when a lot of them end up on the floor. She giggles more and her giggles are my absolute favorite.

Parenting is still becoming more fun for me. I hear it is going to be that way until teenage years. If that is the case, I am in for the time of my life because everyday seems to be a little better than the last because more of her little personality comes out. I love being a mom - it is even better than I imagined. I gotta say though, staying connected to Erin is harder than I thought. We are constantly working on it and it is hard. I feel lucky to have her and I'm thankful I get to do life with her. She is my best friend - I just wish I got to see my best friend friend a bit more.

Luckily we are going to Vancouver this weekend! <3

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