Sunday, February 24, 2019


Jette is having a sleepover at grandma and papa's house tonight. Sometimes sleepovers feel like a nice break - a mini vacation and a chance to sleep in in the morning. But I miss her tonight. I miss her to the point that I'm sitting on her bed while I blog. Cute? I don't know. It mostly feels ridiculous (but I'm staying on her bed).

She is continuing to blow my mind and expand my heart. The last few weeks we've learned that she has a lot of her books memorized, has learned new songs (baba black sheep is a new favorite), is putting more sentences together and seems to understand more feelings. A few favorite game is calling out an emotion and making a face that displays that particular emotion. Sad, happy, surprised, excited, scared. It's pretty cute. Her imagination is continuing to develop - story time before bed is turning in to one of my favorite parts of the day. Last night her animals were taking turns on the balance beam - aka the bin in her room where we put her animals and blankets. Jette is a happy kid who is in the 'what's that' stage. She wants to know what everything is - especially the things that are in her books.

We have taken her swimming twice in the last few weeks and are eager for upcoming lessons. She is loving the water and so far is fearless (which makes me a bit fearful). She is playing more by herself (which is cute and a sign of growing up so I have mixed feelings), having stronger opinions about what she wears and is still waking up between 5-5:30am. All of it is the best and hard and tiring and rewarding and I wouldn't change it for anything and I sometimes wish we had a lived in nanny.

I'm excited for her to be sleeping in her bed tomorrow.

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