First things first, we are adjusting to life without Harley boy. I miss him terribly. There are moments when I forget he isn't home and find myself excited to see him when I open the door for a split second. When I remember he isn't going to be there my heart breaks a little. I have had my share of meltdowns AND I have to admit that there is a sense of relief. I didn't realize how much I altered my life for that pup. Of course I was happy to do it AND it's nice not to have to do that anymore. We will pick up his ashes this week and are planning to take some with us to our new home and spread them in our new back yard (which is more like the forest) and take the rest to his favorite beach. I'm eager to do that.
And yes, our new home! We got a house and we're closing on the 15th. WILD. We are moving to Kenmore into the most beautiful house and we are over the moon about it. The nerves from when we first learned we got the house have settled a bit. I mean, we never in a million years thought we'd get this house. From what we understand there was quite a bit of interest and several offers. We put our offer in just because - and it was accepted. We were shocked. Our shock quickly turned into a nervous excitement. The nervous part because this house/the neighborhood is so different than what we're used to. We can walk everywhere from where we are now. There are weeks Erin won't use a car because she can walk to work and everywhere else she has to go. Not anymore. She will (we both will) have a 30ish minute commute and will have to jump in the car for a couple minutes to get to where we have to go (store, coffee shop, restaurants, etc). We close on the 15th but have until the end of the month to get out of our current place. I'll keep the blog updated on how it all goes.
A few pictures from the original listing:
We returned home from Zion National Park Tuesday night. We spent 5 days there with my family. It was incredibly special to be there with all of them. Zion and the rest of Southern Utah is a very special place to me so having all of the people I love most in a place I love very much was fun for me. Plus, Erin and I aren't seeing each other much. She goes to work when I get home from work - so getting out of our routine as often as we can feels particularly important. I love spending time with her being outside. I love that we both enjoy hiking - even in 100 degree weather. We are both up for pushing ourselves and trying as much as we can with baby. Jette seemed to be the youngest hiker on all the trails and it made me feel proud of us. We are continuing to do the things we love to do. Sure, it looks different - we might not be able to go as far or fast as we would without her and we may have chosen to do different hikes if we left her at home - but we did most everything with her strapped to one of us and we loved it! Aside from the hiking and swimming it was so fun to watch Jette interact with my parents, siblings and her cousins. My fam adores her and she seems to adore them too. I look forward to watch how my family evolves as time goes on.
Jette is a very social baby. She doesn't seem to mind when others pick her up. She is equally chatty and smiley and it's the cutest. She has gotten to the stage of grabbing things and instantly putting whatever she grabbed into her mouth. Sleeping through the night isn't her favorite - which is nudging Erin and I to get strict(er) about a routine and sleep training. She doesn't like to be cuddled or rocked. She likes to be in positions where she is upright so she can see what's going on around her. She is incredibly curious. She loves being outside and she loves music - particularly when we sing to her. She is such a cool little person and I love watching her learn and grow.
Watching her learn and grow while watching what's happening in our country provokes a bit of anxiety. The hurricanes, the flooding, the fires, DACA, Charlottesville and so many other things, too. It seems we aren't caring for each other and our planet is reacting. And of course, we aren't taking care of our planet. Erin and I were watching the news yesterday and in the middle of story after horrible story we committed to do a little more. We are going to be more aware of recycling and composting and using less water. We are going to be less wasteful. It feels little and insignificant but if everyone did that perhaps we could make a little bit of a difference. And of course, we are finding ways to support our immigrant friends and neighbors - because we are them and they are us. When anyone hurts we all hurt in some way - and there are 800,000 people who are hurting right now.
There is a lot of exciting things happening and a lot sadness right now, too. Having Jette and interacting with all the other little people make me believe that everything will be okay. It has to be.
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